Chapter 25, page 11 — there’s no crying in — ulp!

7 thoughts on “Chapter 25, page 11 — there’s no crying in — ulp!

  1. Wait, would throwing the annoying bug at Zitface be against the rules?
    Let’s hope not, and hope LilTir still has good aim 🙂
    Reminded of another, rilly old webic, “Brownie to the face!” and then said male Brownie starts to hump the one who got hit… until they remembered they had teeth 😛

  2. Magicians seem to need some time to recharge. Their rate of fire really isn’t conducive to close quarter combat. Dips*t’s need to gloat slows her down further. She’s no warrior magician, she’s still a child given too much access to dangerous tools.
    I trust the…residue…from squishing the annoying gnat won’t slicky up Tirin’s grip on her sword.
    Eric Hines

    1. That’s why she keeps changing her attacks: she can only perform each one once, and she’s hoping she can brute-force LilTir
      She’s not squishing the juice out of the bug, just getting her to shut up long enough for her to hear where Zitface is… and use the bug as a thrown weapon 🙂

  3. Tirin was simply shutting out another distraction.

  4. RealTir looks beautiful, but there is something just not quite right
    She looks close to Tirin, but more like a sister or a stunt-double

    1. Wendy looks spot on

      1. I agree!

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