Chapter 25, page 10 – Grace was not my fault

5 thoughts on “Chapter 25, page 10 – Grace was not my fault

  1. Hmm, would robo-ceptionist know about Grace? Probably not (unless this isn’t the first time TirTeen has had a ‘meditation-flashback’)

  2. Zitface is about to learn a painful lesson: the time to gloat is after you have made sure your opponent is beat
    Showboating in the middle of a match gets your killed… or at least a chair to the back of your head (or a sword up your exhaust pipe)

  3. I always thought that meditation was supposed to be ..something relaxing. This doesn’t seem very relaxing.

    1. There are, as I understand it, two kinds of meditation. The first kind of mediation one is taught is the relaxing kind. For many people, it’s all they ever learn, and that’s awesome.

      But sometimes that kind doesn’t work. When that happens, you learn about this kind. This is how you work through shit that you can’t just calm your way through it. Personally, I recommend doing it in a padded room, but Tirin obviously has other ideas.

      1. It’s certainly one way of clearing her head of Grace.
        And maybe of Dip Sh*t, too.
        And, just possibly, learn Oscar and herself a lesson in focus (she’ll be teaching the lesson to Oscar, if so).
        Eric Hines

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