Chapter 25, page 1 – nanobomb implantation

17 thoughts on “Chapter 25, page 1 – nanobomb implantation

  1. That’s a lot of harems the Emperor has there. I wonder if he has spare time to actually do what an Emperor is supposed to do – lead a government.

    1. I have the distinct impression the Emperor’s role in this government is to distract people from the people actually leading it.

      1. You mean like the American Executive branch?

        1. Don’t just blame the Executive Branch. All branches of the Fed. Gov’t have a hand in it.

      2. 😆 yup

  2. So, how long before we get a New NuEmperor?
    Maybe we can improve things by making them an Empress? Empress Reny has a nice ring to it 🙂

  3. I remembering it technology that The Ringworld Engineers used to extend their life and health. It looked like a shower stall, but instead used matter transmitter technology to move the user two or three feet but in the process it left behind all of their dead cells and anything not natural to the body. Its been a few decades since I read the book, so I can’t remember if it fixed the teeth of the person when it took out all of their fillings.

    In addition to Larry Niven, Piers Anthony also fiddled with the tech, one of the series made a joke that matter transmission, MT, made the Earth empty.

    1. interesting – if they had dental implants, those would be left behind too right?

  4. Is Siresha a hands-on Chief Royal Harem Director?
    Also, why isn’t she using her psi abilities to screen as well as using verbal jousting?
    It seems that Big Betty is slow to heal. And even after some time in the pool, the scabbing from her bite hasn’t washed away. That’s suboptimal for a brawler.
    Hack and fix shit–does that include nanites?
    Eric Hines

    1. Don’t believe that pool time has happened yet (or will ever happen, remember the cover of Chapter 18?)

      1. Yup. I suspect the Jilakuzzi scene was not a true in-story moment.

      2. That’s right – the cover is yet another tribute to old comic book covers that exaggerated what was coming, but my story draft is always malleable to allow for stuff to happen that I wasn’t planning depending on audience desires

    2. Siresha is a much less powerful empath than Dabney. Her empathic skills are primarily utilized for judging desires / needs and also to tell if someone is lying.

  5. I noticed there were no bubbles in that pool. No jacuzzi, and no one had gas, which would have been the Perfect gift for the Emperor.

    1. Haha! Bubbles are not allowed until the Emperor bubbles first

  6. I guess Sophie’s reprogramming didn’t stick. Prince Babyface was too much like daddy. He wasn’t going to carelessly let bedmates mess with his mind, but now he’s welcoming harem guests with android abilities and vampire powers… he’s a chip off the old mental block.

    Is Julie learning when to not mouth off?

    1. Indeed Sophie advised him to devote himself to ensuring the livelihood of all members of the universe, but in his daddy-like mind feels acts like this (incorporating people into his harem network) is ensuring just that (as he said, some people would consider it a privilege many would kill or die for). The selective memory substitutions need to be very explicit (as Morg and Norg would have probably known having done many of these in the past)

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