Chapter 22, page 5 – nanofly filter auto-activated

This week on $10 tier of Patreon:Β  When Saronia was changed to Billyonia, the timeline and those affiliated with Saronia were either completely eliminated or altered. Β The current $10 tier story, "Ooze," introduces Abby, who is a beast exterminator in this new timeline.

8 thoughts on “Chapter 22, page 5 – nanofly filter auto-activated

  1. For a second, was hoping they had detected Time Bitch

  2. Wasn’t the original Abby gonna be a doctor or something, before she got Bitchlocked?

    1. Yes, the original Abby was a nurse

  3. Regarding the invotive: do we want to know which lips will be parted by that carrot? yes, yes we do πŸ™‚
    Are we satisfied with just imagining it? also yes πŸ™‚

  4. Nice vote incentive. Not a chocolate bunny, but I’d lick it!

    1. πŸ˜‚

  5. Where “introduces Abby, who is a beast exterminator in this new timeline.” shows above the Abby image, somehow I read “breast examiner” the first time through the sentence, then caught site of the skull on her desk and read it again.

    Funny how your brain can get things so terribly wrong, but it would be a much more enjoyable job!

    1. 🀣 that version of Abby would make for some interesting incentives!!

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