Chapter 18, page 9 – Royal virtual sex explained

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15 thoughts on “Chapter 18, page 9 – Royal virtual sex explained

  1. Plot twist: Billy discovers they have been accidentally streaming everything on Saronian youtube

    1. 😆

    2. It is about time he got this much clue; one has high hopes for Li’l Tir and Billy.

  2. Tirin the Younger really needs a better boyfriend.
    Eric Hines

    1. Or girlfriend… 😉

  3. I’m with Samson here. This seems.. excessively over-complicated.

    1. Queenie has never had sexual relationships, and is too proud to admit to not being perfect at everything, so this way she can experience what it’s like based on what she thinks it is like (the other partner is usually executed for laughing)

  4. They should have a machine that’s kinda like the one from Demolition Man.

    1. That thing could make The Hedgehog abstain from further sex… forever, and not because he liked it, quite the opposite

      Fairly sure Dabs is playing the role of that machine

    2. The Queen has tried such virtual sex headsets and like Sly didn’t find them appealing. But when she discovered Dabney’s talent and tried it out she became hooked. Dabney adds an element of virtual interaction that is not available via AI / machine mediation

      1. Yeah, that machine didn’t allow user feedback, or directions, or the use of safe words 😛

  5. Sorry Billy, doubt there is enough mind bleach in the Galaxy to remove that image… degenerate 😛

    1. 😂

  6. Lovely updated invotive, still say Tirin’s feet (and everything else) is too close to the wrong end of the jets…

    1. There is a requirement for this particular product: must have heat-resistant suit or cybernetically enhanced skin

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