Chapter 17, page 39 – A Tollewon never relinquishes her sword

13 thoughts on “Chapter 17, page 39 – A Tollewon never relinquishes her sword

  1. Even before the thought bubble at the end, Oscar proved to TirTeen he was right in panel four

  2. Okay, he is talking about Future Reny, so this is not his first trip (or at least, this may be his first trip to this time) and he doesn’t know everything

    So, it’s some time after he butchered Reny but before Sari ended him

  3. Not sure if anyone else has encountered this, but if ah use the curser arrows in the comments, it takes me back or forward a page

    1. I didn’t realize that could happen. Not sure how to change it!

  4. Every word out of his mouth exposes that he’s never been part of the subservient slave class of this society.
    Also… Rennie, careful not to damage the Halloween fez hat. It’s borrowed.
    (Love the hot chips and smiley buttons.)

    1. Let’s say that Saronia has changed or should I say evolved with time (not revealed yet — part of lil’ Tirin’s future story about dad and the Queen). Glad you liked the chips and smiley buttons. Haha I think the Fez is a cup

  5. The anachronistic go bag in his hand amuses me as much as Tirin’s oversize Samsonite.

    1. hee hee — it hasn’t been revealed yet, but Saronia has changed somewhat over time (not a huge amount, but enough for these kind of anachronisms to appear).

      1. I lurves me some chronic Ana! Banzai, and all that!

        1. Me too! No matter where you go, there you are!

  6. No touchy,.
    an the +25 armor of distraction.. 🙂

    1. 🤣 an essential component of armor!

  7. I really like the Blue hair. Nice ass, too.

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