Chapter 17, page 31 – Why Tirin doesn’t like to use magic anymore

9 thoughts on “Chapter 17, page 31 – Why Tirin doesn’t like to use magic anymore

  1. That smarts. Tirin needs better than this…

    1. She deserves better…

  2. Have heard of having a shoulder devil and angel, didn’t know had never wanted to see a toxic shoulder plague-bitch… until now
    As long as she helps Rennie, and the boils aren’t permanent

    1. Yeah, there’s a downside to everything, but the boils shouldn’t be permanent

      1. Just hope Oscar pulled down the ‘mind-blind’ before he started ‘training’ Bitchlock all those years ago, that’s a downside Lil Tir should never have to experience… EVER!!

        1. 😅 indeed!

  3. Where’s Oscar?????
    [meanwhile, that’s a terminally-kyooooot vote bait]

    1. Panel four
      And yes, Dabs is always cute 😀

    2. Thanks, Brother Parvus!

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