Chapter 17, page 22 – Abby and Isabelle arrive to stop Grace

9 thoughts on “Chapter 17, page 22 – Abby and Isabelle arrive to stop Grace

  1. Double team on Mirby! Where’s the bloody ref!!

  2. Beautiful page, first and last panels are impressive.

    1. Yup, showing the last moments of two annoying cows 😀

    2. Thank you so much, StanKI! 🙏🙏🙏

  3. heh,, meanwhile,, 7 come 11…. 🙂

    1. If Sar moves too quickly, we will see <I>her</I> ‘Snake Eyes’ 😉

      1. ahh one can hope..

    2. Tirin will strike it hot — especially if Sariel hangs around her…

      1. well in that case,, come on nine,, cuz thats where the chips are.!!

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